Child Custody Exchanges

Hire a child custody exchange protection specialist to provide a safe and secure environment

At Aubor Group, we recognize the emotional and logistical complexities surrounding child custody exchanges. Our dedicated team provides a supportive and secure environment. In fact, we can even facilitate a no-contact custody exchange.

Child custody close personal protection specialist guarding a mother and child during a custody exchange - Aubor Group

Why choose Aubor Group for child custody exchange protection?

Expertise in conflict management

Our team is trained in conflict management and interpersonal communication, ensuring that each child custody exchange occurs in a calm and controlled environment.

Licensed and experienced professionals

Every team member holds a license from the Private Protective Services Board of the State of North Carolina, either as a Close Personal Protection Specialist or as a Private Investigator with a Close Personal Protection endorsement. You can rest assured that every interaction reflects a high standard of professionalism and expertise.

Focus on children’s well-being

We prioritize the emotional well-being of the children involved. Our approach is gentle and child-friendly, making the custody exchange process less stressful for them.

Secure and neutral environment

Aubor Group offers a neutral and secure setting for custody exchanges, facilitating a respectful and non-confrontational atmosphere for all parties.

Child custody exchange protection specialist guarding a mother and daughter - Aubor Group

Our child custody exchange process

  1. Initial consultation: We begin with a thorough consultation to understand the specific needs and concerns of both parents.
  2. Planning and coordination: Our team carefully plans each exchange, considering factors like location, timing, and any special requirements.
  3. Professional oversight: Our experienced professionals oversee the process, ensuring that it goes smoothly and respectfully.
  4. Support and assistance: We provide ongoing support and are prepared to assist with any unforeseen circumstances or changes in arrangements.

Benefits of protective child custody exchanges

  • Reduced stress: Protective oversight actively minimizes the emotional stress commonly linked to custody exchanges, thereby making your life easier.
  • Safety and security: Our team’s presence ensures a safe and secure environment, minimizing the risk of confrontations.
  • Consistency and reliability: Our professionally-managed exchanges establish a consistent routine.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that experienced protection specialists are facilitating the exchange provides peace of mind for all involved parties.

Contact us for child custody exchange services

If you are seeking a professional, compassionate, and secure approach to child custody exchanges, Aubor Group is here to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can assist in making these transitions smoother and more comfortable for you and your children.

Bodyguard protecting a mother and child during a volatile custody exchange - Aubor Group